Donate Online

Click the “donate” button below.  When donating, you will see the option within Paypal to select “Stewardship”, “General Donation”,  “Narthex Candle”, “Votive Candle”, “Other”.  You can specify with details where you see “add a note” and email to notify us of the intent of the donation once it has been made.

Giving Guidelines for our “Best Gift”:
1) 2% -10% of one’s annual income. The concept of tithing (giving 10% of one’s income) is found in various places in Scripture (ie: Genesis 14:20; Numbers 18:21; Malachi 3:8; Matthew 23:23).
2) $1 per week per $1,000 of annual income;
3) Exceeding contributions made to hobbies, memberships, sport tickets, tv services, etc.